2013年2月1日 星期五

蘋果發佈新聞稿,128GB iPad 4將在2月5日發售!

就在前幾天傳出謠言,蘋果將推出128GB大容量的iPad消息,沒想到這麼快,在美國時間2013年1月29日,蘋果就發佈了一則新聞稿,表示iPad 4在一週之後,也就是2月5日,就會開始販售128GB版本的iPad 4,包括Wifi版本,以及Wi-Fi + Cellular版本。

128GB版本比起現行的最高容量64GB還要多一倍,售價也只多100美金,來到Wifi版本799美金,Wi-Fi + Cellular版本929美金,包括黑色和白色。


Apple Increases iPad with Retina Display to 128GB

Offers Twice the Storage Capacity to Create & Enjoy Even More Incredible Content

CUPERTINO, California―January 29, 2013―Apple® today announced a 128GB* version of the fourth generation iPad® with Retina® display. The 128GB iPad with Wi-Fi and iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular models provide twice the storage capacity of the 64GB models to hold even more valuable content including photos, documents, projects, presentations, books, movies, TV shows, music and apps.

“With more than 120 million iPads sold, it’s clear that customers around the world love their iPads, and every day they are finding more great reasons to work, learn and play on their iPads rather than their old PCs,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “With twice the storage capacity and an unparalleled selection of over 300,000 native iPad apps, enterprises, educators and artists have even more reasons to use iPad for all their business and personal needs.”

iPad continues to have a significant impact on business with virtually all of the Fortune 500 and over 85 percent of the Global 500 currently deploying or testing iPad. Companies regularly utilizing large amounts of data such as 3D CAD files, X-rays, film edits, music tracks, project blueprints, training videos and service manuals all benefit from having a greater choice of storage options for iPad. The over 10 million iWork® users, and customers who rely on other incredible apps like Global Apptitude for analyzing team film and creating digital playbooks, Auria for an incredible 48 track recording system, or AutoCAD for drafting architectural and engineering drawings, also benefit greatly from having the choice of an iPad with more storage capacity.

“Our AutoCAD WS app for iOS was designed to give customers seamless access to their designs anywhere, anytime,” said Amy Bunszel, vice president of AutoCAD products for Autodesk. “These files are often large and highly detailed so having the thin and light iPad with its Multitouch display, integrated camera and all-day battery life, is a real advantage for iPad users to view, edit and share their AutoCAD data.”

“The features and capabilities of iPad give us the ability to set a new standard for multitrack recording and editing on a mobile device,” said Rim Buntinas, WaveMachine Labs’ CEO. “Users of the Auria app can play 48 mono or stereo 24bit/96 kHz tracks simultaneously, record up to 24 of those tracks simultaneously, and also edit and mix with familiar tools. With its portability and all-day battery life, iPad has revolutionized recording for audio professionals allowing artists to record anywhere.”

“The bottom line for our customers is winning football games, and iPad running our GamePlan solution unquestionably helps players be as prepared as possible,” said Randall Fusee, Global Apptitude Co-Founder. “The iPad’s unbeatable combination of security, being thin and light, having an incredible Retina display and also being powerful enough to handle large amounts of data enables us to deliver a product that takes film study to a new level and ultimately gives our users the best opportunity to prepare, execute and win.”

The fourth generation iPad features a gorgeous 9.7-inch Retina display, Apple-designed A6X chip, FaceTime® HD camera, iOS 6.1 and ultrafast wireless performance**. iOS 6.1 includes support for additional LTE networks around the world***, and iTunes Match℠ subscribers can download individual songs to their iOS devices from iCloud®.

iPad runs over 800,000 apps available on the App Store℠, including more than 300,000 apps designed specifically for iPad, from a wide range of categories including books, games, business, news, sports, health, reference and travel. iPad also supports the more than 5,000 newspapers and magazines offered in Newsstand, and the more than 1.5 million books available on the iBookstore℠.

Pricing & Availability
The new 128GB versions of the fourth generation iPad will be available starting Tuesday, February 5, in black or white, for a suggested retail price of $799 (US) for the iPad with Wi-Fi model and $929 (US) for the iPad with Wi-Fi + Cellular model. All versions of the 128GB iPad will be sold through the Apple Online Store (www.apple.com), Apple retail stores and select Apple Authorized Resellers.

*1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
**Network speeds are dependent on carrier networks. Check with your carrier for details.
*** Information about LTE carriers can be found at www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

iOS6.1完美越狱发布前 需要准备什么

由pod2g、红雪肌肉男、绿毒pimskeks和plantbeing组成的梦之队Evad3rs近日在Twitter上透露称,他们周日应该可以放出iOS6完美越狱工具,并上线了他们的官方越狱网站,目前越狱的进度条已经超过了一半,正处在GUI的的处理过程。iOS 6.1越狱是快要到了,但在越狱前我们需要准备什么呢?


越狱前当然要先了解自己的手机究竟支不支持,并不是所有的iOS6.1设备都可以越狱的, iPhone2G、iPhone3G、iPod Touch1G、iPod touch2G、iPod touch3G、iPad1都是不支持的。




将iTunes 升级到最新版本,然后用数据线连接到设备,点击检查更新,按照提示将设备升级到最新版本。30

成功升级后,我们就可以静待 iOS6.1完美越狱的发布了。

Android 5.0发布时间曝光

Key Lime Pie 1-580-75
去年年中关于Android 5.0操作系统的消息就已经沸沸扬扬了,近期,一份泄露的高通产品路线图显示,谷歌将于今年春天发布新一代昵称为“青柠派”(Key Lime Pie)的Android 5.0操作系统。业内人士认为,该系统可能会在3月至6月期间发布,最有可能的时间是在谷歌I/O开发者大会上推出。谷歌去年也在I/O开发者大会上推出了“果冻豆”(Jelley Bean)系统。综合以前的传言来看,X Phone可能会搭载青柠派系统,该系统还将支持谷歌眼镜。

之前就有业界人士表明希望谷歌的工程师能够为Android 5.0操作系统做一下十点改变:

1. 自动控制
当前,Android用户基本上睡前需要做的几件事包括关闭响铃、数据连接,开启飞行模式等等,因而Android 5.0如果能推出一款可以用来统一管理基础服务的功能特征。比如游戏模式下将性能调制最大化时,持续开启一晚可以将电量消耗降到最低;阅读模式下取缔繁琐的数据连接,并采用超低背光,或将更具人性化。

2. 多设备支持优化
谷歌在对多设备用户支持工作方面的表现力可圈可点,但仍旧存在很多未覆盖到得盲区,比如用Google Play中缓冲播放电影不支持自动同步时间轴的云端服务,用户在观影过程中需要换设备的话就需要从头开始看起,或者手动拖动时间轴。这就需要谷歌在Android 5.0中加强云服务的普及,利用云平台自动同步播放时间轴,实现智能播放记忆功能,帮助用户轻松的继续之前的播放记录进行观看。

3. 加大社交网络支持力度
目前主流移动操作平台如iOS和Windows Phone均大力整合社交网络平台,但是Android在这方面稍显滞后,多数有关社交平台的Widget均来自于硬件厂商定制,用户体验差异化过于明显。
目前,索尼已经在旗下Android智能手机上内置了Facebook应用程序,LG同样定制了Facebook和Twitter的Widget,虽然谷歌自身在力推Google +,但是在对竞争对手社交服务的支持上相对滞后,也要求谷歌在接下来的版本中加入对社交网络的整合力度。

4. 线描键盘选项
对线描键盘智能文本录入的整合方面,谷歌的脚步依旧跟不上Android厂商的步伐。目前HTC和索尼都已经在其Android设备上新增了滑动样式的线描键盘,如果Android 5.0能够加入该功能,其文字录入方面的用户体验层次势必也会上升一个台阶。

5. 视频聊天应用
尽管谷歌在最新的Nexus 7平板上内置一款前置摄像头,同样其他厂商也都在平板和智能手机上内置摄像头,但令人遗憾的是到目前为止Android平台甚至还没有一款统一的摄像头应用。多数情况下用户都会选择Skype应用,或者寻找其他可用的解决方案,但为什么谷歌不能为用户提供一个稳定、统一的视频聊天平台应用?

6. 联系人多选

7. 跨设备短信同步
如果你经常在多个设备上使用一张SIM卡,可能会经常遇到短信丢失或无法同步的问题,这源于谷歌倾向于将数据存储在手机上而不是SIM卡上,因而用户在换手机时,短信无法跟随SIM卡移动,如果Android 5.0中能够加入对SIM卡、SD卡以及云存储的短信存储支持,将可以更好的支持用户在不同设备之间切换使用。

8. 增加“关闭更新”功能
“关闭更新”功能可能会给开发者形成误导,但是对于习惯安于现状的用户,如果Android 5.0中能够加入该功能,至少可以给用户更多的自主选择权,让用户决定是否需要更新至最新的版本。

9. 新增试玩和优惠码机制
目前Windows Phone和iOS平台都分别加入了试玩和优惠码机制,用户在正式购买付费应用前可以通过试玩去体验,以衡量应用付费的必要性,而优惠码则可以让用户不花费或者少花费而购买到对应的应用程序,最大限度的节省开支,然而这些功能在当前的Android操作平台处于缺位状态。因而谷歌有必要为开发者提供更多的商业化模式,在单一的免费+广告、收费以及应用内付费的模式基础上,加入对试玩和优惠码机制的支持。

10. 更多细节化的需求

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