2012年10月24日 星期三

iPad mini賣太貴?Jonathan Ive解釋如下:所有全尺寸iPad可以做的事,包裝到非常小的產品裡,那就是我們在iPad mini上所做的事。(所以很貴..)

iPad mini正式推出後,對於一台7.9寸小平板來說,美金$329的價格實在是太貴了,Jonathan Ive在影片上的說法是怎樣呢?大家聽聽就好。他要賣貴,我們可以不買~~我個人認為,價格定高,是為了不影響iPad的銷售,如果價格太有吸引力,我們會趨向於購買iPad mini,反正功能都依樣,而必花更多錢買iPad?所以這價格要訂得讓你覺得不是很划算。才能在不降低iPad銷售量的前提下,新增iPad mini的市場,所以iPad mini定價是320美元,你是Apple信徒的話,根本不care價格,兩倍價格你都會買,只要將貨最快給他就可以了。

“Our goal was to take all the amazing things you could do with the full size iPad , and pack them into a product that is so much smaller. and that’s what we did with the iPad mini. If all that we had done was take the original iPad and just reduce it, all you would be aware of, was everything that was just missing.“
  • 我們的目標,是將所有全尺寸iPad可以做的事,包裝到一個非常小的產品裡,那就是我們在iPad mini上所做的事。如果我們只是把原本iPad給縮減,您只會覺得所有的東西都不見了。

“There is inherent loss in just reducing a product in size. And what we did was we went back to the very beginning. And we took the time to design a product that was a concentration of — not a reduction of — the original.”
  • 只是縮小產品體積,必然會有所損失。我們的做法是回到最初的起點開始,我們慢慢地進行設計,將原本的iPad給濃縮,而不是縮減。

“We felt strongly that 7.9 inches was exactly the right display size. But it became clear that we had to reduce the width of the borders so that you can still easily pick it up and use it with one hand.
  • 我們強烈地認為7.9寸是最恰當的螢幕尺寸。但是很明顯地,我們不得不縮減邊框的寬度,讓您可以輕鬆地用單手拿起來使用。

We have continued to develop our unibody production process. There are essentially two parts to the enclosure: the glass and the aluminum and that junction where the two parts actually come together is incredibly important.
  • 我們繼續研發我們的Unibody製程。本質上包含兩個部分——玻璃以及鋁。而這兩個部分接合的地方,實際上是非常重要的。

The diamond-cut chamfer meets seamlessly with the glass. And I think it’s a beautiful detail that further reduces parts and actually makes it more durable.
  • 鑽石切割的斜面與玻璃完美無縫地接合,我認為這個美麗的細節也進一步地減少了零件,並讓產品更為耐久。

All of these efforts combine to make a product that is incredibly thin and light, and has remarkable fit and finish. And I think the result is an extraordinary iPad: one that will be used in so many different places and so many different ways.”
  • 所有這些努力的結合,讓產品非常地輕薄,同時也非常地緊湊、修飾也非常完美。我認為最後的成果是一台非常出眾的iPad——一台會在許多不同的地方,以各種方式使用的iPad。

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